December 15, 2017

How to make a retirement plan today

When you are planning your retirement there are several important factors to consider. You need to look at how you will sustain yourself financially, where you will live, and more. Check out the following for information on how you can make a feasible plan for retirement.

Financial planning

Assessing your finances is the first thing to do when you are deciding when you will retire. Consider how much money you would need to cover your financial essentials, leaving some funds for inessential items and fun after retirement. Account for inflation, major purchases, trips, and emergencies.

If your employer offers a pension plan, then you are lucky to have such a secure nest egg awaiting your retirement. Early in the planning for retirement phase it is a good idea to talk to your financial planner about what type of retirement account and funds are right for you over and above your work pension. When you get closer to retirement, they will typically advise you to move funds to less risky investments.

Tips for saving money

Saving money for special events is important. Especially if you are looking to save money for a vacation. You do need to have some meaningful leisure time, but by investing more in your retirement account now you could retire earlier. Cutting back on everyday expenses by spending less on dining out and entertainment is a positive move. Shop around for deals, especially for big purchases and try cutting back on big purchases in general.

Avoiding debt and paying off high-interest debts can also save money in the long run.

Planning ahead

While it is difficult to think about, start to consider the end of your life. Funeral planning can remove some of the financial burden that loved ones have to worry about after you have passed away.

Funeral planning ahead of time ensures that things will be carried out as you wish and gives loved ones a clear vision of how to proceed during their time of grief.


Before you retire, you should determine where you plan to live for the rest of your life. If you own a home that is paid for, then you could live there long-term without incurring further housing debt. Otherwise you might like to consider moving into a retirement home or perhaps somewhere with assisted living facilities.


Whether you are planning to stay in your current home or move to a new residence, downsizing your possessions can help you to de-clutter and reduce the number of items to be sorted later by loved ones.

Unexpected change of housing

Keep in mind that sometimes unexpected health issues can arise that require us to relocate. As we age, the possibility of becoming unable to care for ourselves or becoming permanently disabled increases.

Issues like osteoporosis, falls, and arthritis can affect our mobility and ability to care for ourselves. Health conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s might require moving to where professionals can help with everyday tasks.

When it comes to planning for retirement, there are many factors to consider. You have to plan your finances, housing, and there are other issues to contend with. Hopefully this guide will help you have a happy and financially sound retirement.


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