November 15, 2017

5 Tips On How to Save Money for a Vacation

Nothing beats a vacation. Heading out for adventure or relaxation can be just the trick we need to refresh us and help keep us energized back in our daily lives.

The hardest part of a vacation, for many of us, is saving up the money we need for the holiday we want. Fortunately, you don’t need a huge payday in order to cover all of your expenses. Follow the 5 simple tips in this article and you could be well on your way to your next vacation.

Create a Plan

The first step you should follow to save money for a vacation is to create a plan. Not having everything laid out can come back to bite you, as those who have found themselves strapped for cash a few days before a vacation will attest.

Before you even think about going on a trip, you need to take account of all the expenses you expect, with additional money put aside for both unexpected expenses and as a little bonus for anything fun you stumble across on

Create a plan, and stick to it!

A Little Less can Mean a lot More

Many of us tend to underestimate just how much money we can waste on a daily basis. A coffee here and there, a sandwich or pastry from the bakery – what’s the harm? What we need to keep in mind is that add up, especially when we enjoy them every day.

A better alternative can be to either reduce the number of times you go out for food or cut this out altogether. Making food at home, and bringing in your own coffee or tea, can add up to enormous savings over time.

Change it up

We tend to dismiss the idea of coins as real meaningful currency. This is probably because they usually only represent a small fraction of our total wealth. What we forget is that these can add up, and in doing so can actually contribute far more than people tend to realize.

Keep a small coin-jar by your front door, or somewhere else easily visible. If you keep at this for a while you might be surprised to find yourself with well over a hundred dollars in spare change! Every little bit helps, and lots of little bits can help even more.

Clean it Out

People tend to collect things, even when we don’t need to. How many times have you opened a closet or cupboard to see something which you haven’t used in years?

Rather than leaving small and unimportant items gathering dust, you should consider throwing a garage sale. When you actually take stock of how much you have lying around you might be surprised, there could be a lot of potential vacation money just wasting away in your basement just waiting to be snatched up. This has the added bonus of clearing up wasted space, so it’s a win-win!

Stay Inspired

Saving for a vacation is not something which can be done overnight. It can be a long process which requires many weeks or months of dedication and diligence. During this time, we can forget what we are working for, which can lead to us slacking off where we shouldn’t.

A great way to keep yourself honest and pursuing your holiday effectively is to keep little reminders of your holiday around your home and work. Each time you might feel tempted to splurge on something you don’t need you can take a look up at a picture or calendar of what awaits you.

Who knows, this time next year you might be able to replace these photos with ones you took yourself!


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