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How To Get The Best Price For Your Home

If you’ve decided to sell your home, you’ll want to get the best possible price for it. This ensures that you receive a reasonable return on your investment and gives you more capital to put towards a new home or into savings. People nearly always overestimate how much their house is worth, so when you get estate agents round to value it, don’t be surprised if they come in lower than you expect. To maximise the value of your home, you need to look at the most cost-effective ways of improving it and presenting it to potential buyers.

Decorating and decluttering

Two of the simplest and easiest ways to give your home a facelift, are to give it a fresh coat of paint and take out all your clutter. If you’ve lived there for a while, you may be overlooking minor flaws and be oblivious to tired décor, but these kinds of issues will detract from the appearance of your home when it’s being viewed. A house that looks tidy, clean, spacious, and well-maintained will increase the value of the property by far more than it will cost to get the work done, so it’s a worthwhile investment. The key jobs will be:

  • Repairing plaster cracks or marks
  • Cleaning grubby paintwork or giving it a fresh coat of paint
  • Cleaning carpets and floor tiles or buffing wooden floors
  • Polishing windows and mirrors
  • Cleaning or reapplying sealant and grout in tiled areas
  • Putting as many of your personal belongings into storage as possible
  • Making sure furniture is arranged to show off each room to best effect
  • Tidying outside areas and creating kerb appeal

Taking on larger jobs

If you have more significant issues to resolve, you should look at how much you will gain by arranging upgrades compared to the price you could get if you sold the house as it was. For instance, you have old wooden sash windows, and some of them are suffering from rotting sills or warped frames. If you sell the house without replacing the windows, buyers will be asking for money off to cover the cost of doing the works – even if you set the price low to begin with. However, if you spent £5,000 on replacing your windows, using a high-quality installation company such as, that could boost the asking price by as much as £10,000.

On the other hand, investing in a loft conversion may well cost more than you could recoup on the sale price. It’s always advisable to consult the estate agents for advice on what will add the most value to your home. They have the specialist knowledge required concerning what adds value in your area and your type of property, which will be invaluable in helping you make the most profitable choices.

The more well-presented your home and the fewer areas for improvement viewers can spot, the closer you’ll get to your asking price and the easier it will be to sell your home, so it’s worth making the effort to get everything ship-shape.

October 30, 2018

Boosting Your Immune System this Winter

Winter is a time of joy and celebration for many people, where Christmas and New Year allow them to make some wonderful memories. However, it also comes with some downsides, like colder days and darker nights. Among the most prevalent of these downsides is that your immune system can be negatively impacted by the weather. This sometimes means you may be unable to enjoy the winter season in the way you hope to. To avoid your immune system from becoming weaker during this time, you should give it an extra boost. Following some useful tips will equip you for even the coldest of winters.

Wrap up warm

When your body is overcome by chills, it is more at risk of developing problems like Hypothermia. Ideally, you should be wrapping yourself up as much as you can, so that your body has no time to consider the When you do this, you should always remember to combine your personal style with practicality. For some people, pulling out their trusted ski jackets may be the best option, whereas those who are more style conscious may choose to go for warm, plus size coats.

Eat vitamin-rich food

Your diet always plays an important role in protecting your immune system, which is why many health professionals suggest eating a diet rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants. Those such as Vitamin C should be consumed every day, so you can enjoy the most protection.

The best thing about these nutrients is that they are easy to integrate into your diet, as they can be found in a range of widely available fruits and vegetables. To adhere to the winter spirit, you should make some hot, wholesome meals filled with vegetables, which will warm you from the inside-out.

Sleep more

Unfortunately, many people experience high levels of fatigue during the winter. When your body is expending energy to stay warm, there is no surprise you become more tired as the days go on.

Although you can use some natural remedies like peppermint tea to wake you up more successfully in the mornings, the best solution is to indulge in longer nights of sleep every night.

This can be tricky if you have lots of work and family commitments, but you should focus on adding ten minutes more to your sleep until you have reached a good balance. To ensure you fall asleep faster, practice relaxing breathing techniques to help you fall into a restful sleep each night.

Prioritize your mental health

It is true that winter brings with it an increased risk of mental health issues such as Seasonal Affective Disorder, but it is also true that when you are experiencing ill mental health, that this can have a big impact on your body. One of the things that augmentin top antibiotic is your immune system, which can become weak when you feel stressed or depressed. To ensure these problems don’t have any further effects, you should speak to a local therapist, and practice some important self-care tips. This can include taking some time to relax, or exercising every day.

October 15, 2018

Should You Get a Custom-Made Car Cover

It has taken you a few weeks or even months in order to choose the right car. Now that you have it, you would like to protect it like it is your baby. How are you going to do that? There are different things that you can do. One of the most effective things is to find a custom car cover.

You might be wondering if this is necessary. It will depend on how well you want to protect your car. If you have a garage, your car may need less protection as compared to leaving your car on the streets. The garage will put a roof over your car and will protect it from environmental factors that will affect your car’s exterior.

If you do not have a garage or you have more than one vehicle so your new car does not fit your garage anymore, you can start looking for outdoor car storage covers. These car covers will be able to provide the type of protection that your car needs.

A custom-made car cover can provide the following benefits:

  • The fabric and cut of the car cover will fit your car like a glove. You can be sure that all of the car’s parts will be protected very well.
  • You can decide on the fabric that you want to use for your car cover. There are some fabrics that are meant to be used indoors while there are also others that are meant to be used outdoors.
  • The protection that your car will get in unlike any other protection that universal car covers can provide.

It may be more ideal to get a custom-made car cover if you have a sports car or if you have a very expensive vehicle. Custom car covers are not very cheap. They are definitely more expensive than universal car covers but the protection that they can provide will surely be worth it.

In the process of finding the right car cover, look for car dashboard covers too that you can use. They can be very helpful in protecting your dashboard and the rest of your vehicle’s interiors.

October 3, 2018

How to Host the Perfect Garden Wedding

Many people are choosing to say “I do” in a beautiful garden, surrounded by their nearest and dearest. Not only does it offer a natural and romantic setting, but the backdrop can also look stunning in wedding photographs, regardless of if the photographs are posed or candid.

Whether you are a happy couple hoping to wed in the great outdoors, or you are considering offering outdoor ceremonies at your venue, find out how to host the perfect garden wedding.

Check the Rules and Regulations

A couple can only marry in a venue that has been granted a full marriage licence by the local authority. What this means is that the engaged couple cannot legally marry in their back or front garden, but they can wed in a commercial garden that regularly hosts legal ceremonies.

Consider the Acoustics

The family and friends attending the wedding will want to hear the ceremony from start to finish, so you must consider the acoustics when planning an outdoor wedding. Microphones and speakers are essential, as it will ensure the happy couple’s nearest and dearest will not miss them saying their vows.

The Perfect Backdrop

Of course, the garden will need to look beautiful on the big day, which is why you must ensure the grass is freshly mowed without patches, and the flowers and plant life are in full bloom. To ensure you create a beautiful space all year long, incorporate seasonal flowers into the garden so that different buds will bloom from spring to winter.

A Garden Focal Point

Every garden needs a beautiful focal point that will wow guests. For example, a beautiful water feature can add a touch of luxury to the special day. Plus, the trickling sound of a stream or pond will create a calming, tranquil environment that will make guests fall in love with the setting. Find the perfect garden focal point by visiting Water Garden.

Provide Facilities for Guests

There are many things to think about when hosting a garden venue. Not only must you ensure there are enough seats for every guest, but you also must provide easily accessible toilets. Also, think about whether the venue provides sufficient parking for all wedding guests.

Protect Wedding Guests from Pests

Unfortunately, all sorts of pests might happily explore a garden that is filled with flowers and plants, which could bother the couple and the guests. Keep ants, bees and other insects at bay with a pre-event bug spray and by burning citronella candles. Otherwise, every guest will be longing to return to the safety of the indoors.

Arrange a Plan B

Although a weather report might have stated clear skies and sunshine, it is possible you could experience strong winds or rain. That’s why it’s vital to have a plan B in place should the worst happen. For example, have another beautiful room ready and waiting should the weather take a turn for the worst, so the newlyweds, as well as their guests, can move inside for the ceremony.

October 2, 2018

I’ve Been the Victim of a Houston Oilfield Accident. What Next

If we were to make a list of the most dangerous industries, then oilfield would be at the top.

According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, oil and gas extraction workers were involved in 602 incidents between 2015 and 2017, resulting in 481 hospitalization and 166 deaths.

Things are not better in Houston. According to the local outlet Houston Chronicle, Texas had the most oilfield related deaths in the country. The grim numbers put everyone on edge, with many government institutions stepping in and forcing oil companies to provide safer working conditions for their employees.

But accidents can still happen, and when they do, it’s important to know what to do. If you’ve sustained an oilfield injury, here are some steps to take to protect your health and receive proper compensation.

Tell Your Employer about the Accident

Regardless of how minor you assess your injuries to be, it’s essential that you or one of your coworkers inform the employer right away. Oil companies have policies in place on how to act in case of such events, to prevent further damage. But, they need to be in the know to take proper action.

If you don’t inform your employer, then your chances of receiving compensation are lower, since they can then claim that you sustained your injury somewhere else. Try to include as many details as possible, preferably in writing so that you can use that later on in legal action.

Seek Medical Attention

After an incident, you will receive some medical care on-sight or even be taken to the hospital. But, make sure to schedule a consultation with a doctor of your choosing and have them asses your condition.

The rule of thumb is this: first aid is paramount, and you must go to the hospital right away. Once you’re in the clear, take your medical file to a specialist and ask them to review your condition.

Gather All Evidence

The next thing you should consider is creating a paper trail of the incident. Receipts, medical bills, drug prescriptions or anything relevant to your situation should be carefully collected and kept.

Keep a detailed account of the events, including dates of hospital visits or names of doctors who’ve treated you. You can even revisit the day of the incident and try to more comprehensive summary of it. Be sure to include possible witnesses and other events that happened in the past at your workplace, even if you were not involved. All this information will become relevant when you file for workers compensation.

Call a Lawyer

You should have an attorney that specializes in personal injury or workers compensation cases handle your legal claims. You can do it right after you’ve had the appropriate treatment for your injuries, but keep in mind that you shouldn’t wait too long to make the call.

That way, you can focus on your recovery and the Houston oilfield accident lawyer can handle all the bureaucracy required for a worker’s compensation claim. They will build a case, talk to witnesses and doctors, and negotiate an appropriate settlement.

If it’s a clear case of negligence of your employer, then the lawyer can help you sue and represent you in the trial. But even if your injuries are minor, and your employer is very cooperative, it’s still wise to ask for legal help. Workers compensation laws are quite intricate, and you want to make sure you don’t become the victim of legal loopholes.

Signing off

Although oilfield workers are perfectly aware their job can be dangerous at times, it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a fair settlement in case of an unfortunate incident.

The state comes in to make employers in the Houston oilfield industry assure a safe working environment, but it’s your job to know the right steps to take when an accident occurs. Otherwise, you might be faced with handling everything on your own.

October 2, 2018

6 Signs That You Have A Crooked Bite And Need A Bite Specialist Dentist

A crooked bite can cause a number of different dental health issues, and affect your self-esteem. But it can be hard to tell if you have bite problems, especially if you have not consulted with a dentist.

If you suspect that you may have a crooked bite, and need to see a bite specialist dentist for orthodontics or surgery, you may recognize the following signs – and you should see a dentist right away to begin correcting your bite, and prevent further oral health issues.

1. Your Teeth Are Crooked In Appearance

This is the most obvious sign. Teeth that are twisted, crooked, overcrowded, or misaligned are fairly easy to recognize. However, there are other more subtle indicators that you may have a crooked bite.

For example, look at yourself in the mirror and see how your teeth line up with the midline of your face. Are your front teeth in the proper position? Do they look off-center?

Consulting with a dentist is the best way to confirm your if you have crooked teeth, and think your bite may be crooked or improperly aligned.

2. You Suffer From Frequent Headaches

An uneven or crooked bite can actually contribute to frequent headaches. Your teeth and jaw cannot work properly when your bite is misaligned. This means that, over time, the muscles of your face and jaw can become strained, which often leads to chronic headaches.

Even if it’s not due to a crooked bite, it still may be a good idea to see a dentist for X-rays if you have chronic headaches. It could be due to another oral problem like an infected tooth or gum disease.

3. You’re Grinding Or Clenching Your Teeth

Teeth grinding is a common symptom of an uneven bite. Grinding and clenching often occur because your teeth and jaw muscles are attempting to compensate for your uneven bite. This often occurs during sleep.

Over time, clenching and grinding can lead to permanent damage to the teeth, so it’s best to get an appointment and have this treated by your dentist, even if your jaw is not misaligned.

4. You Have Jaw Pain Or TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

Like headaches and teeth grinding, TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) can be caused by a misaligned bite.

The TMJ is located under the ear, where the jaw connects to your skull, and it’s responsible for moving your jaw when you speak, smile, chew, and more.

An uneven bite can cause strain to these muscles, causing issues like “clicking” sounds, chronic migraines, stiffness of the jaw, and inflammation.

5. Your Dental Work Is Loose Or Failing

If your teeth are misaligned, you could damage dental work like fillings, and caps and crowns. If your teeth do not meet properly, excess stress could be placed on these pieces of dental work, causing them to loosen. This, in turn, can cause tooth decay if bacteria is able to enter the teeth, bacterial infections info tooth infections.

Failing dental work should be examined and restored by a dentist immediately, even if you do not suspect that you have serious bite problems.

6. Your Teeth Are Wearing Unevenly, Or You’re Suffering From Tooth Sensitivity

The changing pressures caused by bite misalignment can cause uneven wear on your teeth. In turn, the worn-out enamel means your teeth are more sensitive, and vulnerable to tooth decay. It can also lead to chipping or cracking of one or more teeth.

Get Help From A Bite Specialist Dentist Right Away

If you recognize one or more of the above signs, your bite may be uneven – and unless you get treatment, your oral health could be at risk.

So don’t wait. Make an appointment with a bite specialist dentist now, and get the treatment you need. By doing so, you can safeguard your oral health, and prevent future damage and discomfort.

October 2, 2018

How To Choose A Dentist In Canada – 5 Simple Steps

Finding a new dentist in Canada can be a difficult task. But whether your current dentist is moving or retiring, or you’ve just moved to a new city in Canada, it’s important that you give your teeth the care they need to stay healthy – and avoid hefty bills for root canals, fillings, and crowns.

Not sure how to choose a dentistry practice in Canada? Here are 5 simple steps you should take to find a dentist in Canada, and get the oral care you need.

1. Understand Your Dental Plan (And Who Takes It)

Unfortunately, dental care is not covered by the Canada Health Act (CHA) for most people, unless you qualify for some government assistance programs.

This means that, if you have a dental coverage plan, one of the first things you should do is contact your provider, to see which dentists near you are in their network.

You should also take this time to re-familiarize yourself with what your dental plan covers. Does it include free x-rays and teeth cleanings? What oral health conditions are covered?

Once you’ve gotten familiar with your options in the area, it’s time to start looking for a dentist.

2. Ask Friends, Family And Coworkers For Recommendations (And Don’t Forget Your Old Dentist!)

You’d be surprised at how easy it is to find a great dentist just by asking friends, family members, or coworkers. You can ask your friends and colleagues individually, or use a social media website like Facebook to ask for recommendations.

You should also ask your old Winnipeg dentist about their recommendations. They probably have relationships with quite a few different dentists, even if you’ve moved to a different city.

Usually, this will help you get quite a few great recommendations in your area, and this is a great place to start when looking for a dentistry practice in Canada.

3. Check Out Online Reviews And Testimonials

After you’ve got a few ideas about which dentists you’re interested in, it’s time to do some more homework! Next, you should check out online reviews on sites like Angie’s List, Yelp!, Google Reviews, and other such websites, to learn more about the dentist’s you’re interested in.

You can also find testimonials and patient reviews on their websites. These sections usually also include a “smile gallery”, or another compilation of before/after photos of their patients.

Think about what is the most important to you. Child-friendly care? Sedation dentistry? Convenient, after-hours appointments? Emergency dental care?

Then, do some digging into the positive – and negative – reviews. It will be pretty easy to tell which practices offer great service, and which ones should be avoided.

4. Consider Accessibility And Convenience

Even if you find a great dentist, they may not be the best choice if they’re 30 miles away. Going to the dentist should be easy, so it’s usually ideal to find a dentist who is near you, or close to your work, your child’s school, or another place where you often visit.

In addition, you should think about whether after-hours appointments are important to you. Some dentists allow you to schedule appointments earlier in the morning or late at night, to work around your schedule.

5. Get A Consultation With A Prospective Dentist

Have you made it through the previous 4 steps? Here’s the last one! Call the dentist you’re interested in, and ask for a consultation or interview! Dentists are always happy to talk to new customers.

In the interview, you can ask any other questions you might have about things like pricing, the type of dental work offered at the office, insurance policies that are accepted, and so on.

Then, after the interview, you’ll have a comprehensive idea of the services a dentist will provide – as well as their personal character and approach to patient care. You’re sure to make the right decision!

Follow This Guide – Find A Dentist in Canada Today!

Don’t wait! If you need a new dentist, find one right away. Regular oral cleanings and check-ups are critical for your oral health, and you don’t want to miss them just because you’re still searching for a new dentist!

October 2, 2018

4 Disruptive Trends That Could Change the Face of Email Marketing

Don’t fool yourself thinking that mail marketing is a thing of the past and that social media is the new norm. There were roughly 3.7 billion email users in 2017, and the number is set to reach 4.1 billion by 2021. That’s great news for you and the email marketing writing service! As the medium grows more popular than ever before, numerous new possibilities for campaigns come forward too. In fact, email marketing continues to dominate most companies’ advertising strategy.

Sure, the rules have changed over the years, and the emails most businesses send today are different from the ones creeping up in your inbox a few years ago. Now, the content has become highly personalized and engaging and includes images, links, integrated video, one of a kind discounts, and so on.

But it’s not to say the things you experience today with email marketing are the best it can do. Change is just around the corner as you can now integrate new technologies with email to grow a more responsive audience than ever before and improve your results.

Here are a couple of disruptive email trends you should keep an eye on:

1. Increased Interaction

How interactive can an email be? After all, take away the shiny layer of multimedia content, and at its core, it’s just a piece of text, right?

Not quite. Email is slowly becoming more and more interactive and lets users perform a variety of actions within the body of the email, such as placing orders, signing up for seminars or filling out forms. The goal here is to make the user’s experience better, while simultaneously get marketers better results.

For instance, let’s assume you want people to sign up for a free yoga class to promote your new studio. A less interactive email will have people clicking on a link, go to a different page, and then signing up there. There aren’t a lot of steps, granted, but it’s still less straightforward than giving them the possibility of signing up right there on the spot in the email tab.

2. Better Personalization

Most probably you use some degree of personalization in your emails. For instance, you might use customized subject lines and start every email text by using the name of the person reading it.

While important, that’s not enough anymore. You need to take it a step further if you want to keep prospects engaged. We’re talking here about list segmentation, a way to divide your users based on their demographics, behavior, interests, or other data you have available. You can use these lists to send relevant emails to the right people carefully and with significant results regarding engagement and click-through rates.

3. The Rise of Chatbots

Chatbots used to be the subject of a lot of internet jokes. That’s because the execution lacked in humanity. However, it’s 2018, and chatbots are becoming better and better at mimicking real human interactions.

This amazing technology gives you the unique opportunity of using the data gathered from users to create a rich experience for them. They act as guides that help users with any action they might want to perform. So, it’s not a bad idea to welcome them with open arms.

4. Privacy Becomes a Soft Spot

Perhaps you’ve noticed, but a lot of marketing methods, not just the ones on this lists, can depend on one big factor: user data.

For years companies have been gathering information on their audience and used it to create more comprehensive, meaningful campaigns. But privacy is a big concern these days, and a lot of people are thinking of ways to protect user data. The European Union instituted the GDPR, so if you have EU citizens as customers, you’ve probably already been affected by these restrictions.

Back to You

When crafting your new email marketing campaign, be sure to keep these pending trends in mind. The world of email marketing is going to change a lot over the next few years, and it’s in your best interest to stay ahead of these trends.

September 29, 2018

What’s the Deal with Chinese Food on Christmas

A lit up city at night Description generated with high confidence


A lit up city at night

Description generated with high confidence

Most of us remember that scene in “A Christmas Story” where Mr. Parker (Darren McGavin) gathers his family in a Chinese restaurant for their Christmas dinner. This is a more common tradition than most of us think—minus the ill-fated turkey.

Chinese Food Was there When Other Restaurants Weren’t

In reality, Chinese food has become a staple in households across the country and remains an American favorite every holiday season. The tradition can be traced back to the late 1800s, when non-Christian immigrants were looking for an alternative to the usual “Christmas dinner.”

While other restaurants closed for the holidays, places that served Chinese food were open—and business was booming. Now, Christmas has become one of the busiest days of the year for Chinese restaurants. Most of us have experienced this tradition in one way or another, and it definitely beats spending all day cooking. Dishes aren’t exactly on anyone’s wish list this (or any) season.

Chinese food is cheaper than your average holiday fare, available, and delicious. Leftovers are a bonus, and you can mix up your holiday traditions by trying different dishes. According to a 2016 report by CNBC, some of the most commonly ordered Chinese menu options on Christmas include:

  • Vegetable Chow Mein
  • Moo Shu Chicken
  • Spring Roll
  • Pu Pu Platter
  • Almond Cookies
  • Cold Sesame Noodles
  • Orange Chicken
  • Mongolian Beef
  • Orange Beef
  • Beef Chow Fun

The list goes on to include favorites like General Tsao’s chicken, sweet and sour dishes, and a huge array of different choices. A report by GrubHub showed that Chinese food is—on average—ordered over 150% more on the Christmas holiday than on any other day of the year.

Whether you’re building a new tradition, sticking to an old one, or just hate to cook, the Chinese menu offers something for everyone year round. But, there’s just something about Christmas Chinese food that tastes so much better. It’s hard to argue with stats, and it’s hard to ignore the call of the refrigerator at 2am when you wake up with a serious craving for some eggrolls.

Embracing the Jewish Tradition

The tradition of replacing the standard spiral cut ham on Christmas day is largely credited to the Jewish community. In 1940s New York, Jewish people began flocking to Chinese restaurants while others celebrated the Christmas holiday. According to an interview released by National Public Radio, Rabbi Joshua Pluat nails down the first recorded meeting between the Jewish community and Christmas Chinese food.

In response to a question about the how long the tradition has been around, Plaut explained:

“At least since 1935, according to The New York Times, which cites that a man by the name of Eng Shee Chuck brought chow mein on Christmas Day to the Jewish Children’s Home in Newark, N.J. That’s the first written citation of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas.”

Thus began a love affair that continues to this day. Chinese restaurants have become an iconic part of our holiday season, and many of us are already looking forward to our holiday spread!


September 28, 2018

4 Situations When You Need To Hire A Lawyer

Not every legal case requires the assistance of a lawyer, however, there are certain occasions when hiring a professional is a necessity. You may find it a challenge to represent yourself in court due to lack of knowledge or holding a strong emotional connection to the case. There are also many legal terms you would need to get to grips with, such as a clear understanding of court rules and contracts, as well as having the confidence to stand up and present your testimony.

You may need to ask yourself how important it is for you to win the case and if losing is simply not an option, you certainly need to consider the assistance of a professional lawyer.

Here are four occasions when you may need to hire a lawyer:

1. Bodily injury

One of the most common claims people make are injuries caused by road accidents. Within the state of California, there is a significantly high usage of Bird and Lime scooters, however, these vehicles are often the cause of serious injury. Such injuries are usually caused by a collision or even a malfunction with the vehicle, which have resulted in the likes of broken bones, concussion and even brain damage. If you have been involved in a Bird Scooter injury, Steinburg Injury Lawyers are seasoned attorneys who will provide you with a free case evaluation and help you move forward with your claim.

2. Complex divorce

If you are going through a divorce, you may find that you are in a state of disagreement with your ex-partner over several issues. It is often the case that a lawyer is needed to support with gaining custody of children and financial circumstances such as investments, property and savings. In some states, both parties can hire one lawyer each as a form of representation in court.

3. An unjust termination in the workplace

You may have been wrongfully terminated from your workplace with no reasonable explanation and this is another situation in which legal advice may be wise. A lawyer can enforce state and federal laws in order for you to take action against your former employer. Winning an employment lawsuit is almost impossible without a lawyer present – especially if the company aims to win the case by using dishonorable strategies. There is a very high chance that the other party will have a solid legal representation, so it would be wise to do the same.

4. Driving under the influence of alcohol

Driving under the influence of alcohol is now an extremely serious offense which can result in several penalties such as an enormous fine, the loss of a driving license and in some cases, a jail sentence. With the assistance of a good lawyer, you may be lucky enough to be given a reduction on some of these charges, but this is all dependent on your personal case. It wouldn’t be advised to go to court without a lawyer, as there is a high likelihood you will be given a severe penalty.