January 11, 2018

What to Expect for Finance and Accounting Jobs in Chicago in 2018

Chicago might have a reputation for being windy and cold, but its finance and accounting job market is still scorching hot. Chicago finance recruiting firms are still in high demand as employers and potential employees alike seek out the perfect partnership. Here’s what you can expect in 2018.

An Overview of the Financial Services Industry

The United States has the most liquid financial market in the world. In fact, as of 2016, it was more than $1.4 trillion of gross domestic product. Across the country, the sector employs more than 6 million people and an increase of 12 percent is expected in 2018. Financial firms have a significant advantage. They made up nearly 150 spots on Fortune’s Global 500 companies in 2015 alone. These statistics alone show that those with a potential career in finance can find what they need to help clients create wealth and meet their financial needs. Overall, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the finance industry to grow at a faster-than-average rate, adding hundreds of thousands of job openings between now and 2026.

The Best Industry Sectors

The finance and accounting industry divides itself into several sectors in which potential employees can find work. Banking, insurance and asset management are the most common sectors with assets of $16.8 trillion, $1.2 trillion and $26 trillion, respectively. Many financial industry hopefuls also work in venture capital and private equity, which combined to invest more than $685 billion in recent years.

Recruiters at Your Service

Despite the growing finance industry in the United States, some people become overwhelmed when attempting to find the type of job they’d like in the industry. Many turn to financial recruiters in Chicago to help them find jobs with reputable finance companies. Beacon Resources is one such financial recruiter. Knowledgeable and professional, the company routinely pairs quality employers and services with talented and skilled employees. Visit their website for more information.


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