Category Archives for "Blog"

July 27, 2018

How To Fight a Traffic Ticket Without Going to Court

Fight a traffic ticket without going to court by calling The Ticket Clinic. Deciding to pay without calling us for a free consultation could be a costly mistake. With our expert defense strategies, your fine may be reduced or some penalties may be eliminated. Our best traffic ticket lawyer Los Angeles are available Monday through Saturday to advise you on the process. Established in 1987, we help our clients avoid

  • Unnecessary trial dates
  • Insurance premium increases
  • Points on the driving record
  • Missed time at work

Our Goal? Dismissal

Since we know the procedures required to prosecute your citation, we can find grounds for dismissal based on technicalities when present. In some instances, we win when our discovery process shows that not all of the document requirements have been met for the state to prove the case.

We have successfully argued against laser, radar, aircraft, pace clock and other high-tech evidence presented by law enforcement in speeding cases. For red light violations, we have advocated for the rights and interests of our clients by challenging the clarity of the photo or video evidence.

Convenient Hours, Locations and Service

With help from our experienced legal team, you may be able to get your ticket dismissed from the comfort of your home. We can provide your consultations over the in person at 10 offices in California. We can also send your legal documents to you via email once hired. You retain your right to a trial and our lawyers will represent you in court if needed.

Experienced Lawyers on Your Case

Our service makes it easy to ensure the due process of your individual matter. The Ticket Clinic has resolved over 3 million ticket cases in courtrooms across the country and has been recognized as one of the top trial law firms in the nation by several industry associations. We are your traffic ticket fixers Los Angeles, so call us for a free consultation at 1-800-248-2846.

July 27, 2018

Top Strategies To Afford The RV Lifestyle

There are many people who live the RV lifestyle, and there are many more who dream of it.

What is the so-called ‘RV lifestyle?’ Basically, it’s where you live and work entirely from an RV while traveling the country or areas of the country.

It’s an idea that certainly sounds appealing to a lot of people because living and working from an RV really symbolizes adventure and freedom. You can set your own hours, explore new areas of the country, and each day is something new.

But if there’s one thing that’s holding people back from selling their homes and property and moving into an RV full time, it’s because they question whether they can actually afford it.

Living from an RV may not be the cheapest venture on the planet, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t steps you can take or strategies that you can apply to afford it.

Here are the top strategies you will need to employ in order to afford the RV lifestyle:

Create A Budget

The very first and most foundational step that you need to do to afford the RV lifestyle is to create a monthly budget.

Really, this isn’t any different from setting a budget for when you live at home. Your budget will be comprised of the usual suspects like your RV monthly payment, fuel, food, laundry, propane, RV park/campground daily fees, health insurance, internet, RV insurance, household supplies, maintenance, and so on.

What is important though is that you actually set a budget to begin with. Without it, you’re not going to have any idea of where your money is going or how much you have left over at the end of each month.

Make Sure Your Business Can Be Run From The Road

In order to live and work from your RV, your business is going to have to be something that can be run from the road. In other words, it’s most likely going to have to be an online business, or something that you can handle entirely through emails and phone calls.

You need to work from your RV just like you would work from home in order to pay the bills and stay financially afloat. You also need to ensure that you set aside enough time each day or week to get work done (scheduling your days ahead of time will be wise) and that you have access to internet connection whenever needed (having your own Wi-Fi router with you will be a good idea).

If you’re not sure about whether or not your business can be run from the road, it may be a good idea to test it out. Rent an RV and then go on a two week trip or so and see if you can run the business entirely rom the RV. The results should be a clear indicator of whether or not it’s possible.

Find Ways To Save Money 

Finally, you’re going to have to find as many ways to save money as you possibly can so long as finances are tight. Besides, it’s always a good idea to be frugal and save what you can, right?

The good news is there are a number of ways you can save money to live the RV lifestyle. The first will be to choose an RV that has a lower monthly payment. Sure, it may not have every single luxury that you wanted, but it will work so long as it has everything you need.

Another way to save money will be to choose cheaper RV parks or campgrounds to stay at. Some RV parks can be as high as $40 to $50 a night, but others can be as low as $15 to $25 while still offering electrical and water hookups in addition to access to hiking trails and lakes or rivers.

One more excellent tactic to save money while living from an RV is to prepare and eat as many of your own meals as possible. Eating out at restaurants may seem like a minor expense, especially if it’s only fast food, but it’s also an expense that really adds up quickly.

Affording The RV Lifestyle

Really, affording the RV lifestyle is probably easier than you think so long as you truly commit to it. If thousands of other people live and work from their RVs, who’s to say that you can’t as well?

July 26, 2018

4 Fun Online Casino Games For Those Who Like To Stay At Home

If you feel like staying at home today, playing social online casino games can be very relaxing. Below you will find a few free online casino games that would entertain you throughout the day.

  1. Poker

For those who enjoy playing card games, you should invest a little spare time into honing your poker skills, as poker is a highly enjoyable strategy based game, which can be played during down time.

One of the huge advantages to playing poker online is that while poker does involve a high degree of strategy, poker also involves a high element of luck. So even if you’ve never played poker before in your life, there’s still a chance that you’d be able to win an online game, against international competitors.

If you’re interested in playing poker at an online casino, you may want to start off with trying your hand at Texas Hold’Em which is one of the most popular types of poker in the world.

  1. Slot machines

If you’re looking for a game which doesn’t require a high level of concentration to play and requires more patience and luck than strategy, it’s well worth playing a few different online slot machines. If you’re interested many online casinos offer slot machine games which are themed around popular TV shows. As an example, you won’t have any trouble finding a Game of Thrones or Wheel of Fortune themed slot machine game online.

While poker may be an online game which is best played when you have a bit of free time up your sleeve, you’ll be able to play slot machine games when you only have a few minutes to yourself. As an example, you may want to try your luck at playing a popular slot machine game whilst you’re waiting for laundry to finish, or while watching a favorite TV show in the background.

  1. Roulette

Roulette is a relatively simple game which is easy to learn but will provide you with countless hours of online entertainment. When you first start off playing roulette you may want to bet on whether a black or red number will be selected or whether an even or odd number will be selected, once your roulette wheel stops spinning. However, if you’re looking to excel at roulette, in the future you may want to consider trying to guess which exact number your roulette wheel will stop on.

  1. Bingo

If you remember playing bingo as a child and are looking for a fun game to play, that will keep you on the edge of your seat with excitement, it’s well worth finding out which online casinos offer online multi-player bingo tournaments.

So if you’re looking to try out a few new casino games whilst your at home, you simply can’t go wrong opting to play any of the four popular online casino games above.

July 26, 2018

The Perfect Snacks For When You Have A Caramel Craving

Sometimes cravings are too hard to ignore and the only way to make them disappear is to eat the treat that’s been on your mind. If thoughts of sweet caramel have been dancing through your head all day long, you should get one of these scrumptious snacks to conquer your craving and sate your appetite

  1. Popcorn

If you’re looking forward to zoning out after a long workday, you should whip up a bowl of homemade caramel corn to munch on while you get lost in your favorite television series or podcast. The first thing you need to do is make a big pot of stovetop popcorn, salt it and put it to the side while you prepare the caramel sauce. Melt butter into a saucepan, add in brown sugar and mix the ingredients together so that they are completely blended. Bring the liquid to a boil, drop in vanilla extract and baking soda, and then drizzle the warm liquid over the popcorn until every piece is coated. If you want some extra crunch, put toasted almonds, halved pecans or salted peanuts into the bowl before pouring the caramel. 

  1. Mochi Ice Cream

If you want a quick dessert that can help you cool down in humid weather, you should open up a box of salted caramel Japanese mochi ice cream. These frozen treats are balls of premium ice cream draped with a layer of delicate sweetened rice dough. You can get a box of salted caramel My/Mo Mochi ice cream from the frozen food aisle of your nearest grocery store — you can also find boxes of different flavors like double chocolate, ripe strawberry, mint chocolate chip and vanilla bean mochi ice cream. To add more of your favorite flavor, cook up a batch of homemade salted caramel sauce on your stovetop and pour it on top your mochi ice cream to make a dreamy and decadent sundae. 

  1. Apples

These are usually popular in the fall, but you shouldn’t feel obligated to wait a few months to bite into this treat. You can easily make caramel apples from scratch by dissolving sugar over the stovetop until it becomes a honey-colored syrup and then adding heavy cream so that it becomes a silky-smooth mixture. Take some small apples that have been washed, dried and refrigerated and then skewer them with popsicle sticks. Dip the apples into the caramel and let them sit on a cutting board or baking sheet lined with parchment paper and wait for the sticky coating to harden. Within minutes you can grab a stick andsink your teeth into a snack that technically counts as a full serving of fruit. 

It’s good to know how to get these desserts because you know that your cravings for this confection won’t go away — they will eventually resurface, and you will want something filled with caramel all over again. Whether that specific desire returns tomorrow or a week from now, you will be prepared to quell your hunger.

July 23, 2018

Ways To Save Money When Traveling

One of the best ways to relax, unwind, and acquire some culture after taking a NY online defensive driving course is to travel. However, between the costs of transportation, lodging, and food, the expense can be a deterrent. Luckily, much like many other things, if you’re willing to spend some time doing the research, that price can come down significantly.

Save Money on Flights

There are several tricks frequent travelers have picked up on how to fly for less. These days, there are all sorts of apps to help with that that are just as enjoyable as the top positive NY transportation stories. Before we get into those, there are also a few tried and true methods of getting the cheapest flight possible. One of the best is to be flexible about your travel plan. If you’re determined to fly out on a Thursday and return on a Monday, there’s a lot less flexibility in the prices you’ll find. Usually Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday are the cheapest days to fly. Of course, the times that are most inconvenient to travel, like the middle of the night, are also usually the least expensive.

Once you’ve worked out a rough plan for your travel dates, there are sites and apps that can help you get the best possible price. One option is Airfare Watchdog, a site where you can enter in your rough travel dates, along with where you’re flying to and from. Once you’ve done that, the site will relentlessly email you every single time a price drop happens, until you tell it to stop or your potential travel dates pass. Another option is an app called Hopper. It works in a very similar way, but there are a few extra features. Of course, as an app, instead of emailing, it will send notifications to your phone when a price drop occurs. It will also provide estimates on how far the price is likely to come down and when the best time to buy might be. With these options, and countless more like them, there’s no reason to pay the full amount for a flight.

Hotels Are Expensive

The next big expense on a trip will be lodging. In some places, hotels might even be the most affordable option, but that’s not usually the case. With sites like HomeAway and Airbnb, people rent out their properties, and that usually gives a lot more bang for your buck than a hotel room. This is perfect for families large enough that they would otherwise need to book an adjoining hotel room, or for a large group of friends traveling together. Properties that can be rented will usually come with more space, extra places to sleep, and, depending on the size of the property, more than the single bathroom a hotel room would have. As an added money-saving bonus, any property you rent will also come with a kitchen, which will allow you to prepare meals there. While it is nice to be pampered and to eat out for every meal, that expense adds up fast. Even if you just had breakfast from your rental in the mornings, that could save you a bundle.

Don’t Eat Near Tourist Attractions

Tourist attractions are, for the most part, famous for a reason. Even if the locals sneer at tourists, those sites are worth visiting. But it is not worth it to eat anywhere near them. Every restaurant within a few blocks of a tourist attraction, if the restaurant is even halfway decent, is guaranteed a good number of customers because many people will not be willing to search further. Those restaurants will always be more expensive than those found further away, and they don’t need to put nearly as much effort into their food. Be smarter than your fellow tourists, and go at least six blocks away when it’s time to eat. The food will be less expensive but probably tastier. Or just use that kitchen in your Airbnb rental!

July 17, 2018

EIN: Why You Need It And How To Get It

An Employer Identification Number also referred to as an EIN or Federal Tax ID is a nine-digit number that is required for most businesses entities. This unique number is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes. An EIN is used to open a business bank/credit card account, filing electronic tax returns and payments, filing tax reports, and applying for business licenses. In some states, a state EIN is required to file state taxes. Businesses can apply for an EIN in various ways, but the simplest way to get a Tax ID is online.

Why a Business May Need an EIN

There are various circumstances why your business may need a Federal Tax ID. These circumstances include:

  • You have or are planning to have employees
  • You file employment taxes, alcohol, tobacco, and firearm tax, or excise taxes
  • Your Business has a Keogh plan
  • Your business is taxed as a C Corporation, Limited Liability Company, or Partnership
  • Your business is involved with an estate, trust, IRA, farmers’ cooperative, non-profit organizations, real estate mortgage investment conduit, or employee plans

If your business does not fall under one of those circumstances, you may still need to apply for an EIN. There are some situations when you need a new EIN such as when the structure or ownership of the business has changed; you acquired a company that you operate as a sole proprietorship; you incorporate your business, or your business is subject to bankruptcy reports. Another reason why business owners obtain an EIN is for privacy.

Apply Online at IRS EIN Tax ID

IRS EIN Tax ID offers business owners a simplified Federal Tax ID application to enhance accuracy. In just three easy steps, your Trust Tax ID Number is securely sent on its way to your email within the same day.

July 13, 2018

Are There Countries Where Playing Lottery Is Forbidden?

Different countries tend to have different laws when it comes to playing the lottery, and well, pretty much everything else. But when it comes to lottery, some countries are definitely more strict about it.

In general, lottery by itself is usually not banned, but playing the lottery online can be banned, or restricted in more countries. The reason for that is usually simple – lottery is considered a form of gambling and some countries have decided not to allow it for one reason or another. The reasons obviously vary.

Countries with very restrict rules or where lottery is banned:
– Libya
– Netherlands Antilles
– North Korea
– Pakistan
– American Samoa
– Puerto Rico
– Guam

Countries with some restrictions:
– Czech Republic
– Poland
– Switzerland
– Bahamas
– Cuba
– Turkey
– South Africa

And of course, in many other countries you need to obtain a local license in order to sell lottery tickets.

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In countries such as Estonia, playing the lottery by buying your ticket from a newsstand, or buying it online using your online bank, is possible, but there is one additional requirement. Or actually two. Firstly there’s age restriction, same as in many other countries, but secondly you also need to present your ID when buying the lottery. So when you buy the lottery from a newsstand you need to show them your ID card which they scan before you can buy it. When it comes to buying the lotteries online, everyone in Estonia are used to using their ID card together with their computer all the time anyway, so when you buy online lottery, you can just authenticate yourself digitally.

But obviously, independent of the country you are in, as long as you have internet, you can usually opt to buy an international lottery online one way or another.

July 12, 2018

3 European Capitals Not To Be Missed (Madrid, Paris and Rome)

Europe not only has a long history, it is also home to many of the most beautiful and interesting cities on the planet. Destinations that concentrate everything that any traveler or tourist could wish for: many things to see (monuments, sculptures, buildings, parks, museums…), many plans to make (shopping, partying, relaxing, enjoying the local cuisine, enjoying all kinds of cultural and leisure plans, etc.) and good hotels to stay in during your stay in Europe.

The list of European cities worth a visit is endless, but we have chosen the 3 European capitals you can’t miss if you decide to travel in Europe: Madrid, the “City that never sleeps”; Paris, the “City of Light”; and Rome, the “Eternal City”. Each one of them has different charms that make them an unavoidable stop for travelers. Let’s get started!


This city offers the traveler all kinds of plans for both day and night. La Gran Vía, full of theaters, shops and places to have a drink; the Paseo del Arte (with the Prado, Reina Sofía and Thyssen Bornemisza Museums), the Plaza Mayor and its terraces, the El Retiro park, the fountain of the Cibeles, the Puerta de Alcalá, the Puerta del Sol, the spectacular sunsets in the Temple of Debod or find a bargain in El Rastro, the largest market in the city that operates every Sunday and holiday of the year, are some of the attractions of this city.

Finding a place to stay in Madrid is not complicated at all. Fortunately, Madrid has numerous hotels where quality is assured and with options for all types of travelers: business travelers, family travelers, couples or lovers of luxury and well-being.


Paris is a city that seduces and encourages romanticism and walks along the banks of the Seine, touring the district of Le Marais, climbing up to Montmartre and visiting the Eiffel Tower to admire the beauty of the city from one of its highest points in good company while you taste a croissant or toast with a glass of champagne. You can’t miss the Sainte Chapelle or the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Montparnasse Tower or a stop at the Louvre.

As for accommodation, it won’t be a problem, as the city has many quality hotels where you can spend the night. And although sleeping in Paris often means everything but sleeping because of the many things that can be done, that is precisely one of its charms.


Few cities in the world can compare to Rome, a city where time seems to have stopped. From the first moment you set foot in Rome, you can enjoy part of its history. The Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, the Roman Forum or the Pantéon de Agrippa are essential visits that will bring you closer to the city’s past. If your tastes are more contemporary and cosmopolitan, be sure to stroll around the Trastevere district and stop by one of its “trattorias” to recharge your batteries.

History, art, culture, gastronomy and a pleasant climate are some of the main attractions of Rome. A city with hotels adapted to the needs of any visitor to Rome, even the most demanding travelers.

June 28, 2018

Tips For Increasing Your Knowledge About Hockey

Hockey is a fun and exciting sport that many people find quite engaging and rewarding to watch. Become a bigger fan of it by increasing your knowledge about hockey and taking the time to study the game.

You’ll get out of it how much effort you’re willing to put into learning more. There are a few ways in particular for how you can better understand the rules and why people feel so passionate about it in the first place. You may find you truly enjoy the sport and have a pleasing time immersing yourself in the environment and growing your circle of friends to include a wide variety of hockey lovers and fans.

Educate Yourself Online

Learn the basics of hockey by studying online blogs and resources related to the topic. There are a wide variety of experts out there willing to share their knowledge with the public. Be proactive and understand the rules, get to know the players and follow authority figures on social media to help educate yourself further. There’s a plethora of knowledge and information right at your fingertips if you take the time to do a little online research on your own.

Attend Games

Increase your knowledge about hockey by watching the sport play out live and attending games. Visit Ticket sales to secure your seat for a mix of upcoming matches and experience the sport physically in an arena. You’ll likely find yourself cheering and getting a bit rowdy as time goes on and you learn more. Choose to bring someone along who can help guide you through what’s happening and explain the rules as the game plays out.

Join A Fantasy League

You’ll be forced to learn more about hockey if you join a fantasy league where you have to build your own team. You won’t want to go into this type of event not knowing anything about the sport or players. Take the time to study the game and who everyone is before you begin selecting your team. Be patient with yourself and continue to progress and improve upon what you’re doing each year you join.

Follow A Favorite Team & Player

Increase your knowledge about hockey by becoming a fan of the sport and an individual team and player. Purchase apparel and memorabilia and start to surround yourself in the hockey community on a regular basis. Follow your chosen team and player around to various locations to see them play and meet other fans who feel passionate about the sport. Engage in conversations with others who can teach you more about what you’re witnessing and help you better understand what’s going on out on the ice.


Use these tips for how you can increase your knowledge about hockey and start to appreciate the sport more. If you like what you see and hear then it could easily become a new hobby of yours. Have fun with it and remember to give yourself credit for all your hard work and dedication to this new endeavor.

June 20, 2018

Things To Look For In A Motorcycle Jacket

One of the things that you will consider when you are looking for a motorcycle jacket is you want something that will make you look cool. Style is always one of the factors but it is not the only thing that you should consider so that you can make the best decision.

An all-weather motorcycle jacket is something that should be functional. It is something that you are going to use no matter what the weather is. It will look amazing of course, because you want something that will fit the motorcycle that you are riding. Yet, it will also protect you from the rain, the intense heat of the sun, and so much more.

These are other things that you can look for when finding the motorcycle jacket that you are going to use for a long time:


There are some people who are very particular about the brand of the motorcycle jacket that they are going to get. Some will research about the different motorcycle brands available and will make choices based on what they have learned. You can consider AlpineStars motorcycle jacket for more details.

Safety Features

How well will the motorcycle jacket be able to protect you? You need something that comes with additional safety features so you are sure that you will be protected if in case of impact. Some motorcycle jackets come with an armor that will protect the parts of the body that are prone to breakage in case of collision.


A lot of people do not think that this is important initially. They may just choose random motorcycle jackets and decide based on its appearance. They do not bother trying out the jacket anymore. The fit is highly important because how will the jacket protect you when it will not reach the parts that should be protected properly? You can check out different motorcycle jackets and do not forget to check out the sizes when you see more, click here, etc.

With all of these details in mind, picking the right motorcycle jacket will not be too complicated anymore.